
Showing posts from 2022
AMD 2022/12/19 20h20 Regarding the increased AMD flow shown last week Thursday apparently there are some issues being experienced by the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) at the Western Basin Treatment plant due to the high levels of rainfall which have resulted in some additional decanting taking place.  I'm attaching their media release from the 13th December which goes into more detail. Please note the warning in the document:  "All residents and communities residing along the Tweelopies River are urged to avoid using the water in the interlinked streams, rivers and dams, until further notice." Western Basin AMD Plant Media Release
 2022/12/15, 08h42  The Tweelopies Spruit just before going under the N14.  Still quite a substantial flow.
 AMD 2022/12/15 09h03 Substantial amount of water flowing out of the AMD wetlands.  Access roads flooded.  This flows in the Tweelopies Spruit under the R24 and through the Krugersdorp Game Reserve.
 Bergland. 2022/12/15 08h27 Water flow still week above normal.  Visibility poor and a rotten smell in the air.  Increased foam. Apparently the springs in the hills across from Bergland are flowing well.
  Bergland. 2022/12/02 08h38 Water flow about normal.  Visibility very poor.  Smell still bad.  Increase in foam.
 Bergland. 2022/11/25 10:40 Water flow about normal.  Visibility is very poor, compared with upstream from Percy Stewart.  Smell next to the river bad.  Some foam present.
2022/11/25, 10h35  Percy Stewart.  Water still flowing out onto the perimeter road on the north western side of Percy Stewart 
  2022/11/25, 10h31  Percy Stewart, of the 14 gravel filters I can see only 2 are turning and spraying water a further 2 are stationary and spraying water.!
2022/11/25 10h15. Delportan sewage truck dump site.  Still a mess and no control.  Overspill ongoing and going down hillside into Blougat.  Grass growing very well with all the nutrients.  Lots of flies here.  
 AMD 2022/11/25 09h18 Water flow about normal, the water quality visually staying constant.
 2022/11/25 9h58 Blougat next to Robert Broom upstream from Percy Stewart, not much discolouration in water can see the river bed and rocks below surface.
 AMD 2022/11/18 09h15 Water flow about normal, the water quality visually staying constant. Mineral deposits on the pipe next to the outflow, caused by water splashes.
 Bergland. 2022/11/18 08h35 Water flow about normal.  Visibility a very definite deterioration since last week and can see suspended particles.  Quite a ripe smell next to the river.  Slight reduction in foam. I suspect the runoff from the rains is now completely dried up so back to the horrible stuff. The flies here at Bergland are almost carrying me away they are so bad.
  2022/11/14, 17h51  Danielsrust.  Blaauwbank Spruit has a dark grey colour doesn't smell but looks like a drain flush. (Thanks Jaco)
  Bergland. 2022/11/11 08h40 Water flow increased.  Visibility slightly better but can clearly see suspended particle, possibly toilet paper.  Quite a ripe smell next to the river.  Increase in foam. Bergland busy irrigating with sludge.  Everything is waterlogged here and collection/buffer dams look full.  Suppose there will be run off which has a high probability of ending up in the river.
  2022/11/08 8h55 Blougat flowing under the N14.  Very good flow with lots of silt.   Krugersdorp is busy being washed clean.
  AMD 2022/10/28 09h10 Water flow slight increase, the water quality visually staying constant.
  Bergland. 2022/10/28 08h35 Water flow increased from this morning’s rain.  Visibility staying poor.  Smell still present.  Not much foam.
  Bergland. 2022/10/21 08h45 Water flow normal.  Visibility staying poor.  Smell still present.  Foam still present.
  AMD 2022/10/14 09h05 Water flow normal, the water quality visually staying constant.
  Bergland. 2022/10/14 08h30 Water flow back to normal, can see level on rocks.  Visibility staying bad, but slight improvement.  Smell still present.  Foam still present but slightly less.
  2022/10/07, 08h55  Water?? flowing out of the Percy Stewart complex onto the perimeter road on the north western side, can’t see from where it is originating within the complex but one can see the wet areas through the fence.
  Bergland. 2022/10/07 08h40 Water flow has reduced, can see drop in level on rocks.  Visibility staying bad.  Smell not as bad this morning.  Foam still present.  Can see the large back-actor busy with the berms.
  2022/09/30, 11h14   has begun upgrading their containment dam in the NE corner of the property. Messy job! (Thanks Anne)
  AMD 2022/09/30  9:10. Water flow normal, the water quality visually staying constant, although slight change in tint.  Normally a bluish tint but a brownish tint this morning.
  Bergland. 2022/09/30 08h35 Water flow about normal.  Visibility of the water very poor sickly grey green colour.  Very strong rotten smell this morning.  Foam still present.  Looks as if there is a plan to fix the low water bridge here, have been some Earth works during the past week.  There seems to be a large back-actor busy with the berms.
  2022/09/23, 09h48  This is Blougat Spruit upstream from Percy Stewart close to Robert Broom.  Lots of algae.  One can see the river bed.  There is a strong smell here being carried up the ravine/valley from Percy Stewart’s location.  So the problem is somewhere between my two observation points.
  AMD 2022/09/23 9h10. Water flow normal, the water quality visually staying constant.
  Bergland. 2022/09/23 08:35 Water flow about normal.  Visibility of the water deteriorated since last week.  Much stronger rotten smell this morning, possibly cause of what Andrew noticed on Tuesday.  Foam still present.  Looks as if there is a plan to fix the low water bridge here, have been some Earth works during the past week.  The second pic shows the amount of sediment on the earth that has been moved. That water has a thick dirty grey/green appearance.  Something is definitely wrong upstream from this point.
  AMD 2022/09/16  9h20 Water flow normal, the water quality visually staying constant.
  Bergland. 2022/09/16 08h40 Water flow about normal.  Visibility staying poor.  Stronger rotten urine type smell this morning.  Foam still present.